AOC Fears Jail Time if Trump Wins in 2024

( – Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the outspoken Congresswoman from the Big Apple, is sweating bullets over the mere thought of Trump making a grand return in November and chucking her into the slammer. She spilled the beans to Kara Swisher on a podcast, sounding genuinely jittery.

Seemingly far-fetched, but AOC has a niggling concern that Trump might actually throw her in jail. She thinks he’s back to his tune ‘lock her up’ from his earlier days in office.

Ocasio-Cortez isn’t taking any chances with Trump. She’s buying into his threats, full stop.

AOC is taking him at face value. Whenever Trump speaks on rounding folks up or going after the media, including journalists, she’s not shrugging it off either. She believes his first rodeo in the White House was just a warm-up to what he really wants to do. What might that be? She thinks it’s mayhem and that he’s learned from his blunders.

When asked if Trump’s got a shot at clinching victory, Ocasio-Cortez thinks he’s got a fighting chance. She’s pledged her allegiance to Biden and has been very vocal about it this election season. She stated if Trump seals the deal, the U.S. is peering down the “barrel of democracy” and it’s going to blow up in flames. She reminded the American public that the focus shouldn’t be on her or the Dems. It’s about what’s happening in the country at large.

Ocasio-Cortez isn’t brushing off the lack of buzz around Biden either.

She understands people aren’t rallying around Biden. But ghosting him and boarding the Trump train isn’t the solution either, she argued. She thinks the American people ought to roll up their sleeves and get in the ring, rather than throwing in the towel.

Meanwhile, Trump’s diving into the fray, denying any plans for payback if he scores another round.

He said via social media that these politicians are messed up and that they’d be up to no good even if he wasn’t running for the presidency.

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