Leaked Audio Shows Trump Discussing VP Choices

(BrightPress.org) – A leaked audio recording from a weekend fundraiser at Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach, FL revealed several contenders Trump is considering for his running mate in the 2024 presidential election.

Several of Trump’s top picks were mentioned in the recording. Kristi Noem, governor of South Dakota received an unexpected shout-out during the event. Noem has received intense criticism over the past several days for including a story in her newly released book, No Going Back, about shooting a 14-month-old farm dog named Cricket because of aggressive behavior. It was assumed her chances of being chosen were non-existent after releasing Cricket’s story, but Trump called Noem “somebody that I love.” He did agree that she has “had a rough couple of days.”

Trump mentioned Senator Tim Scott, who became Trump’s campaign surrogate after dropping out of the presidential race himself in November. Trump said that Scott is “unbelievable” as a surrogate. Senator Marco Rubio is a contender who could help Trump gain more Hispanic votes, but as Rubio lives in Florida, the same state as Trump, choosing Rubio could violate the Twelfth Amendment of the United States Constitution.

Other candidates that were briefly discussed include: Marsha Blackburn, Elise Stefanik, Byron Donalds, J.D. Vance, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, and Tom Cotton.

Brian Hughes, senior campaign advisor for Trump said in an emailed statement that no one other than Donald Trump knows who will be chosen. Trump said he is not in a rush to choose his running mate. As it stands he has 15 people out campaigning for him while hoping to make the cut. Trump is watching the contenders to see how well they defend him, raise money, and how well they appear on television.

Trump plans to announce his decision shortly before the Republican National Convention in July, until then he is content watching the contenders compete for the job, similar to an episode of Trump’s former TV show, The Apprentice.

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