(BrightPress.org) – According to a poll conducted by the Associated Press and NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, more than half of Americans have no confidence in President Joe Biden’s mental ability to lead the country. Of those polled, 60% had doubts about the current president’s mental capabilities. These results are similar to those acquired from a Fox News poll.
Both polls confirm that voters are not happy with how President Biden has handled issues such as immigration and border concerns, the economy, and the war in Gaza. Sixty-nine percent of those polled feel that President Biden has not been successful at unifying the country or making it safer. Fifty-eight percent believe Biden has failed working-class Americans. Ratings for his handling of health care, climate change, abortion, and the war in Ukraine have received only modest approval ratings.
Fifty-seven percent of Americans believe the economy has deteriorated since Biden took office. Republican pollster Daron Shaw explained that most Americans are budgeting tighter than ever before and have less money for their basic needs than they did a year ago, even though President Biden and economists claim the economy is strong.
If Joe Biden secures a second term as president, he would be 82 years old at his inauguration in 2025. At 80, he is already the oldest sitting president in American history. Concerns about Biden’s lapsing memory were addressed in a special counsel’s report over mishandled classified documents. Biden did not face criminal charges.
As election day approaches, it appears Americans may once again be choosing between Joe Biden and Donald Trump for president. Americans are also concerned that Trump, 77, may also lack the mental capability to lead the country, although his followers are slightly more confident than Biden’s.
Both potential candidates are well past retirement age and would be expected to handle difficult tasks including handling multiple internal and international crises and function with a shattered Congress.
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