DeSantis Slams Biden After Israel Attacked

( – Republican primary candidate for president and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis took shots at President Joe Biden over the weekend for his lack of action following Hamas launching multiple terrorist attacks against Israel.

Suggesting the geriatric Biden was “sleeping on the job,” after the latter had mentioned getting up at 7:30 a.m. to respond to the crisis that had begun the night before. DeSantis said that the president has to be able to respond to a crisis as it is occurring, regardless of the time of day or night.

DeSantis suggested that American leadership needs to “engage” and demonstrate “strong support” for Israel. He further said that Biden’s policies with respect to Iran likely contributed to the current outbreak of violence. He pointed to a $6 billion exchange for an American prisoner as “playing nice” with the Ayatollah. He further claimed that Iran is one of the largest financial backers of Hamas.

Hamas launched hundreds of rockets into Israel in the early morning hours of Saturday, October 7th. They also sent ground troops into Israel to attack settlements within reach; it’s unclear how their troops were able to gain access to Israeli territory.

Biden condemned the attacks on Israel the very same day, saying that the U.S. “stands with Israel,” and would “always have their back.”

The State Department has previously suggested Iran gives $100 million a year toward arming Palestinian resistance fighters. Their foreign ministry praised the attacks on Israel. Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanani called them a “continuation of victories” over the forces of Zionism in the region.

Iranian Major General Yahya Rahim said they would support the efforts of Hamas in their war against Israel. There were reports of high-level meetings between Hamas and Iranian military leaders in September. Iran also supports Lebanese Hezbollah, another quasi-governmental paramilitary organization.

Hezbollah head Hassan Nasrallah said that the Palestinian cause is “everlasting,” and implied the conflict would continue until they are free and victorious.

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