FBI Conducts Raid on Residence of Chief Fundraiser for NYC Mayor Eric Adams

(BrightPress.org) – The FBI launched a raid on Brianna Suggs on Thursday, November 2nd. She’s a major fundraiser for New York City Mayor Eric Adams. Her LinkedIn profile lists her as Fundraiser and Director of Logistics for Adams’ 2021 campaign.

Public records available for Adams’ 2025 campaign revealed that they’ve already paid her close to $100,000. FBI and federal prosecutors in the Southern District of NY declined to comment on the raid.

A lawyer for Adams’ campaign told Fox News Digital that they will comply with all official investigations and added that they hold themselves to “the highest standards.”

Adams joined a mayoral delegation to D.C. the very same week to address their concerns about the influx of illegal immigrants surging in American cities. Chicago and New York have been inundated with tens of thousands of asylum-seekers dependent on the government and charities for basic necessities like food, housing, clothes, and cash. Many illegal immigrants are additionally receiving medical care, educational, and social services in places like New York.

The mayor cut his trip short to deal with the raid, but spokesmen from his office told Fox News Digital that the D.C. meetings would be rescheduled ASAP.

The New York Times reports that the raid was a part of the investigation into Adams’ finances. Federal investigators are scrutinizing foreign donations to his 2021 campaign, specifically whether the Turkish government sent funds in exchange for promises of favorable policy.

The search warrant also revealed investigators were looking into a small university and a construction company with ties to Turkey. They confiscated three iPhones and two laptops along with hard drives during the raid.

The warrant is investigating alleged “straw donor” schemes wherein the donor is just a middleman for the funds and not the actual source.

Adams is known for having ties to Turkey; he’s publicly bragged about his connection to Istanbul, suggesting he’s visited the country more than any other NYC mayor.

Suggs has already raised $2.5 million for Adams’ 2025 bid. Commenters on X (Twitter) have suggested that the move against Adams is a warning to other Democrat mayors: don’t complain about the migrant crisis or you’re next.

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