Fetterman Says He Is Not a Progressive

(BrightPress.org) – Betraying an unusual bit of independence within the Democrat party, Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA) said he is “not a progressive” during a recent interview with NBC News.

Fetterman cited his staunch support of Israel and demand for improved security at the southern border as positions he holds that are unpopular with many in his party. Fetterman has also been a rare Democrat voice criticizing the continued presence of New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez who was federally indicted for taking Egyptian bribes in exchange for favorable political behavior. Menendez maintains his innocence.

Fetterman was criticized by his GOP opponent Mehmet Oz during the 2022 election campaign for being a “sidekick” of Sen. Bernie Sanders, but it seems the blue-collar liberal vibes rubbed off on the junior Senator.

Fetterman said that he’s a Democrat “very committed to choice” and that he believes he’s on the “right side” of the Israel situation. He also said immigration was important to him and that we needed an effective solution to the ongoing crisis.

Fetterman indicated he supported legal immigration, but that there was no reason the process couldn’t be orderly. The progressive faction insists that any restrictions on asylum seekers are somehow cruel. Isn’t it curious how the people being unreasonable are frequently hysterical in their claims?

Fetterman drew comparisons to the population of Pittsburgh, a moderately sized city near his hometown. He pointed out that in one month, 270,000 encounters had been made by officials on the border, not including ones that escaped detection. He said that was roughly the population of Pittsburgh, which happens to be the second-largest city in all of Pennsylvania.

Fetterman said that Menendez was “running his mouth against Biden,” and that he “needs to go.” He drew comparisons to ousted former Rep. George Santos who was recently expelled from Congress after his federal indictment for misuse of campaign funds and other allegations.

Republicans have been surprised by Fetterman’s criticism of Menendez; it’s an unpopular move within the party. PA-based GOP strategist Christopher Nicholas called it “a pleasant surprise.”

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