House Chairman Criticizes UN Over Woke Climate Report

( – A UN agency is expected to pump out anti-meat propaganda in the coming weeks, suggesting that Westerners, including Americans, reduce their meat consumption to save the planet from greenhouse gases.

The UN Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) will present its global food systems road map at the COP28 UN climate summit beginning on Thursday, November 30th, and continuing for two weeks in Dubai. The road map is the first time the agency will prod nations to reduce meat consumption.

Chairman and founder of FAIRR Jeremy Coller wants to see dairy and meat producers reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, calling it an “urgent need.” FAIRR is an investment network that promotes “climate-friendly” agriculture globally.

Coller suggested carbon dioxide emissions were heaviest on the production and transportation aspects of the meat and dairy business.

The road map will also offer guidance to farmers to adapt to “erratic weather” and how to handle waste products and fertilizer use. The COP28 will vote to approve the roadmap, but it is a nonbinding suggestion. The UN cannot enact binding legislation on its member states.

The shift to food choice is a significant departure from past COP summits where officials targeted power generation, manufacturing, and transportation as the primary culprits. The switch to food may suggest the UN realized most of the emissions for power generation and other pollution are coming out of China and India.

The food system generates a third of total global emissions for CO2 according to a March 2021 study in Nature Food. The UN has been notoriously hostile toward meat in the diet for years now. Without regard to the essential amino acids, minerals, and vitamins provided by red meat, UN advisors seem keen to “reduce carbon” across the board.

The U.S. agricultural industry is already light years ahead of other countries, producing only 1.4% of global emissions. It’s the lowest amount of any sector in American business.

House Agricultural Committee Chairman Glenn Thompson (R-PA) suggested Americans were already doing their max to help save the environment and the UN needs American farmers more than they need the UN.

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