Liz Cheney Goes at Kevin McCarthy, Calls Him Pathetic

( – Former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) aimed some disdain at former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) while appearing on MSNBC’s “Inside,” with Jen Psaki.

McCarthy had given comments on CBS Sunday Morning to reporter Robert Costa who asked if McCarthy would serve if Trump offered him a cabinet position. McCarthy replied that he’d consider the offer, and likely take it if he was the “best person for the job.” He said that his prior work with Trump was an effective relationship and they could be honest with one another.

Psaki, speaking with Cheney, wondered why McCarthy would be interested in a Trump cabinet position. Cheney replied that she had no explanation and said, “It’s pathetic.” She further took shots at Trump, blaming him for the current status of the country instead of acknowledging that the Democrats have been in power for years.

This is typical for Cheney; she was an infamous Trump-hating Republican during his administration. She opposed his decision to withdraw U.S. troops from Syria in 2019 and opposed his desire to reduce the number of troops we’ve stationed in Germany in 2020, she also sides with Democrats believing that the 2020 election was not rigged. Lastly, she voted to impeach Trump in 2021 for his role in the events of January 6th.

As recently as October, Cheney claimed that Biden’s foreign policy leadership was better than Trump’s.

Commenters on X (Twitter) had a lot to say about Liz Cheney, suggesting she’s a warmonger, a RINO (Republican in name only), or that she was smoking crack.

Cheney’s floating a presidential run to stop Trump. Her Trump Derangement Syndrome is so strong that she believes Trump is a threat to the stability of the country. Curiously, she ignores the rampant law-breaking by the Democratic establishment under Joe Biden, including the southern border crisis which continues to hit new highs of illegals coming over the border.

Speaking with USA Today, she called Trump an “existential threat” to the United States. Even if she does toss her hat into the ring, it’s unlikely she’d steal votes from Trump. It’s likely the people behind her are carefully gauging the reaction to the news to see if a Cheney bid would hurt or help Biden.

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