Longtime Democrat to Resign After 19 Years

(BrightPress.org) – Rep. Brian Higgins (D-NY) announced his intention to resign in February next year after working in government for 19 years. Higgins cited the general dysfunction in the federal government as the major reason, explaining that he could better serve his constituents in another role.

He called the pace in D.C. frustratingly slow and that after pondering the situation he decided he wished to explore additional avenues in public service where he could more effectively serve his district. Higgins represents western New York, including Buffalo and Niagara Falls.

Higgins is the latest member of Congress to announce his plans to leave in the last year. Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) is also leaving the Senate and similarly cited the divide between the parties and increasing polarization as the reason for leaving.

Higgins pointed out he spends most of his time in western New York, interacting with his voters and other New Yorkers. When he goes to D.C., his mission is to help improve his community and return as soon as possible.

The announcement came during a press conference inside the Buffalo History Museum. Higgins added that he felt like it was “time for a change.” He explained that Congress is dramatically different today from when he went 19 years ago and implied they waste a lot of valuable time.

Former Senator Richard Burr left the Senate in early 2023, citing his annoyance that the body had become a crisis management organization instead of a visionary institution. Sen. Mitt Romney will also leave the Senate setting off a fierce primary competition in his home state of Utah.

Former Rep. John Yarmuth (D-KY) left the House earlier this year touting a $1.9 trillion pandemic package that was enacted in 2021 as his major success. Republicans universally spurned the package, but the Democratic majority in the House at the time allowed its passage.

Many of those leaving office lamented petty party politics and dedication to centralized authority instead of their duty to their constituents and the Constitution during their final speeches on the floor.

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