Santos Gets the Boot, Will Have Movie Made About Him

( – Former House Representative George Santos (R-NY) will have an HBO dark comedy made about his deceitful rise and fall as a Long Island Representative. HBO Films has reportedly purchased the rights to a book released recently showcasing Santos’ career and famed foibles.

Santos was given the official boot from Congress on Friday, December 1st with over a hundred Republicans also voting to expel him despite not having a guilty verdict in any criminal proceedings. An ethics report convicted him of criminal behavior in advance of any legal proceedings by suggesting Santos “blatantly stole” donations which he then spent on Botox and OnlyFans.

HBO is allegedly recruiting Frank Rich to produce the film which will be an adaptation of “The Fabulist,” by Mark Chiusano. Chiusano will consult while Mike Makowsky will write the adaptation. Makowsky is an HBO alum who has worked on “Bad Education.”

The film will be billed as a minor race that ends up “a battle for the soul of Long Island,” according to the film’s logline. They’ll highlight how one now-disgraced Congressman could exploit voters, lie his way successfully into office, and end up representing one of the wealthiest districts in the country.

No release date has yet been announced.

Santos was credited with flipping his home district from blue to red in 2022. His was one of several Republican wins in the midterm 2022 election cycle that helped give the Republican party a majority in the House. His expulsion will aid the Democrats in their quest to reacquire a majority in the House. They currently control the Senate.

Santos has often been compared to Democrat Senator Bob Menendez who is facing multiple charges and allegations of criminal conspiracy, bribery, and money laundering. Menendez has yet to be ejected from the Senate, while a vitriolic and media-driven campaign has kept Santos in the news as much as possible.

Santos was publicly exposed as a liar for fabricating huge chunks of his backstory and resume shortly after his election.

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