They’ve Lost $4.4 BILLION and Counting

( – The impact of George Soros’ funding of soft-on-crime district attorneys across the U.S. is causing shop owners and retailers to deal with rampant shoplifting and violence from would-be thieves. The problem has gotten so bad in NYC that the 2022 estimate for lost revenue due to theft in the Big Apple was a stunning $4.4 billion.

Gov. Kathy Hochul is facing criticism for vetoing a $35 million program that would have created a specific task force to address organized retail theft. Hochul said the cost of the program wasn’t covered in the budget.

The problem has already caused some retailers and shop owners to close up and leave major Democrat-run cities and states. Retailers are fed up with violence and regular theft. Police say there’s little they can do as the DAs refuse to prosecute so-called “minor” crimes.

The program would have set up a 15-member panel appointed by the governor, State Legislature, and NY Attorney General Letitia James to create recommendations to battle the problem.

The Retail Council of New York State is a lobbying group that represents the interests of retail shops and store owners. They reported their extreme disappointment upon hearing the news of Hochul’s veto. CEO Melissa O’Connor published a statement demanding immediate action by the governor to find an effective solution.

They could just start locking up thieves again. Law enforcement experts from across the state point out that the lenient punishments and granting of no cash bail for repeat offenders are contributing to the problem.

Syracuse police report a 55% uptick in shoplifting since 2021, they also suggest that estimate is conservative. Many incidents are not reported, according to Syracuse Police Chief Joe Cecile. He further explained that small businesses are suffering the most, as they don’t have national conglomerates and massive insurance coverage.

Stephen Lands owns Buffalo Fleece and Outerwear. Speaking with WIVB-TV back in September, he said that he may close down the store due to constant theft. He reported being robbed some 20 times over the past few months.

Demonstrating the ridiculous solutions suggested by Democrats, NYC Mayor Eric Adams’ office put suggested adding kiosks to retail stores to help would-be thieves access social services.

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