Tim Scott Bites the Bullet, Gives Up on 2024 Hopes

(BrightPress.org) – Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) announced the suspension of his 2024 presidential campaign in a conversation with Trey Gowdy on Fox News’ “Sunday Night in America.” He said the voters were clear in suggesting now was not the time for his presidential ambitions. He said he did not intend to endorse another candidate at this time, suggesting he could provide the best help by leaving it up to the voters.

He also indicated he does not seek a position as a vice president.

The news came as a surprise to some of the Senator’s staff who indicated they were not informed ahead of time of Scott’s intention to end his primary bid live on the air.

A member of his staff, speaking anonymously, told Fox News that Scott isn’t one to engage in vanity projects and could easily read the writing on the wall.

Scott is the only black Republican Senator currently serving in Congress. His presidential bid was announced earlier this year in May during an event in North Charleston, South Carolina. Scott wanted to portray a positive, optimistic brand of conservatism.

At the time, Scott pointed out that he grew up with a single mother in poverty and was able to rise to serve as a Senator and perhaps even as President. His message was grounded in positivity and having a political backbone.

Scott’s positive messaging was contrasted with front-runner Donald Trump, whose campaign is fueled by airing out political grievances. These include his belief that the 2020 election was rigged against him through a variety of means, including the suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story by corporate media, big tech, and members of the intelligence community.

Scott lagged after failing to achieve the spotlight during the first GOP primary debate. He refused to engage in verbal confrontations with other candidates, saying afterward to Fox News that those who are the loudest tend to say the least.

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