VP Harris Compares Trump’s Anti-Immigrant Rhetoric to Hitler

(BrightPress.org) – Bizarrely concerned about the manner in which Trump spoke about the illegal immigrant crisis, President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris gave a stunning example of Godwin’s Law, comparing him to Hitler. Godwin’s Law is the maxim that the longer a debate goes on, the probability of a comparison to Hitler or Nazism reaches 100%.

Trump had made controversial remarks about the illegal immigrants, suggesting they were “destroying our country” during a campaign event in Waterloo, Iowa on December 19th. Over the previous weekend, he said illegals were “poisoning the blood” of the country.

President Joe Biden jumped to compare Trump to Hitler, saying that Trump’s rhetoric was similar to “the language coming out of Germany” in the early 20th century.

Vice President Kamala Harris similarly said Trump’s words were “rightly found similar” to Hitler’s. She also took issue with Trump criticizing illegal immigration because her mother is an immigrant. She failed to mention that her mother came into the country on a student visa to pursue graduate studies at Berkeley and later achieved full status as a naturalized citizen.

Harris said she had “no question” about “where this could go” and encouraged folks to oppose Trump because it’s the right thing to do. Trump has promised mass deportations of illegals, explicitly stating where he wants this to go.

Responding to the comparison, Trump said he has never read Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” and said he meant the remarks in a totally different way. He pointed out that these illegal immigrants are coming from all over the world, and we have no idea if they’re harboring diseases or terrorist sympathies or merely a willingness to engage in criminal activity.

With over 5 million encounters at the southern border, since Biden has been President, there’s no question about rampant drug and human trafficking, including the abuse of women and children which has been allowed to go on for years.

Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX), who endorsed Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis for the nomination, said Trump’s words were in poor taste and that the focus should be on human suffering caused by the crisis.

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