White House Expresses Concern Over Crime after Secret Service-Involved Shooting

(BrightPress.org) – White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre attempted to deflect blame for her boss’s failure to prevent street crime in Democrat-controlled cities by blaming Republicans for talking about it.

She called it “a political weapon” or “talking point” and claimed that Biden had already “taken action” to reduce crime. She cited the 2021 American Rescue Plan as the President’s latest effort to reduce crime. The law provided $350 billion in funding for state and local governments, though Jean-Pierre failed to explain why the problem remains after spending such a huge sum addressing it.

The comments came after Jean-Pierre was asked about a recent shooting incident by Secret Service agents who fired upon would-be carjackers. They shattered a window of a government vehicle late Sunday evening outside of the President’s granddaughter’s residence in Georgetown.

She blamed Republicans for the rise in street crime despite the jurisdictions being heavily controlled by Democratic leadership. Democratic district attorneys (in large part funded by leftist billionaire George Soros) have singlehandedly stopped prosecuting criminal complaints for minor crimes in many cities across the country. So-called “bail reform” – where violent criminals are let go within hours of being arrested so they can offend again – is exclusively pushed by radical leftists who identify as Democrats.

One of the agents on Sunday night discharged their sidearm, though it was unclear what provoked the shooting, authorities said no one was hit by the shot. The carjackers fled in a red vehicle and police were alerted. No arrests have been made at the time of writing.

D.C. has become an epicenter of carjackings and auto thefts, over 800 carjackings have been reported this year alone with over 6,000 vehicle thefts, according to D.C. criminal data.

The problem has become so ubiquitous that even members of Congress aren’t immune. Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-TX) was carjacked at gunpoint in downtown D.C. just last month.

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